A Sock Saved is a Sock Earned
Abraham Lincoln once said that "A penny saved is a penny earned." This could be because his face was on the penny, but I think he knew how to save things and keep the things that he saved and even if they were little that someday they would grow and be into big things. Bear with me and let's apply this application to socks. I've recently been saving socks for the future. You see - I think that with enough socks saved - we could melt down their components and re-weave them into a new material woven into new pairs of socks. This technology is already being used in gold, silver, metal, and cell phone technologies and is already saving materials for manufacturers. Nowadays, you hear that everyone is "going green" with their saving and the way they make things, etc. It is my goal to for the sock market to "go green" with everyone else at the same time. You can count on us to be doing our part to help and to save the environment in our own ways. The wa...